Friday, October 18, 2013

Bold election predictions for 2014 and beyond

I have been listening to the Left wing media and the Democrats crow about the perceived death of the Republican Party.  I have listened as they wax nostalgic about winning back the House in 2014.  So, friends, I have done some work and, here are my predictions for the elections of 2014. 

*Caveat: It is early and a lot could change.  Also, my list is subject to change close to the election, but these are my early predictions.

The House: Republicans will hold the house and even pick up seats.  Many of the top minds in the business think that only TEN Seats are in play...and even if we lost these, we'd still be in the majority.  The key is to knock off RINOs and replace Boehner as Speaker.  I haven't looked at all of the House races, but I have been more thorough for the Senate.

Senate: Republicans gain control of the Senate.  Here is why:

Key races: AK, AR, LA, MT, NC, SD, WV.  These are all highly probably pick-ups barring no major errors from Republicans.  All are Red States and all of them have Democrats who have supported the Obama agenda.  Currently, the GOP leads in WV and SD and probably MT.  We should win NC, AR and AK.  LA will be tough as Landrieu is tough to beat.

Bottom line: Net pick up of 6 or 7.  Republicans need 4 to take the Senate.

Now, for possible pick ups: These races will be harder to win, but with the right candidates, it is possible.  Look for good contests in CO, IA, MI and NH.  I think we win CO.

Democrats are targeting GA and KY...but they won't win either of these.

So, Republicans should be in good shape.  But, we don't simply want RINO's to win, we want, look for a Conservative shakeup in the races as well.  Here is my RINO hunting count:

By my count, we have SEVEN RINO Republicans that will be targeted for defeat (all but GA are safely Republican, so we won't lose anything if Conservatives win/lose).  These RINOS are the following:

Alexander - TN, Roberts - KS, McConnell - KY, Graham - SC, Enzi - WY, Cornyn - TX.  GA is in play as RINO Chambliss is retiring.  So, look for Conservatives to win a few if not all of these seats.  That will have a HUGE impact on the makeup of the Senate.

So, these are my predictions for now, but they might change or be updated close to 2014 midterms.

No, Conservatives, the Sky isn't falling


Over the past few months, we Conservatives (mainstream Americans) in this great nation, have been dealt some serious body blows.  Most notably, the Supreme Court ruling that Obamacare could become the law of the land (but there is silver lining in this too) and Barack Hussein Obama being "re-elected" in 2012 (I use that term loosely as I don't believe he was legitimately elected).  Most recently, of course, we watched the usual CAVING by the GOP in the House and the Senate regarding funding the government and Obamacare.  It might seem like hope is lost, that we are down, but I promise, we are CERTAINLY not out!

There have been some articles written about why we shouldn't be too depressed, the most recent by David Limbaugh, but they only scratched the surface.  Friends, not to sound too cheery or even happy (I am not) because we are witnessing truly dark times in our nation, but I am like my hero, Ronald Reagan: I am an eternal optimist.  And, therefore, I think we Conservatives, have the Liberals right where we want them.  In fact, I woke up the other day excited and inspired by the fact that we lost.  Counter-intuitive, right?  Maybe.  Too much like Polyanna?  Perhaps, but hear me out.  We, Conservatives, are WINNING!  Here is why:

First, we have witnessed the death of the modern GOP.  FINALLY!  This is a good thing and I couldn't be more excited about it.  I don't believe there will be the rise of a third party, nor should there be...but, as Reagan said, we need a revitalized SECOND Party.  The only reason John Boehner was able to push through the CR was that he got help from the Democrats.  Only 81 Republicans in the House, ALL RINO'S, joined with him.  The majority of House Republicans held firm.  So, while the GOP appeared to lose, I would argue that we won.  There are rumors that the Conservative wing of the party is planning on ousting Boehner from his speakership, and I pray this is true.  Friends, when your own party can't give you the votes to win, then we are doing something right!  And it was because of US, the grassroots, that allowed the House Conservatives to hold firm!  We the People prevailed, and if not for siding with the enemy, we would have carried the day.  My point: Boehner's days are numbered as is the rest of the RINO surrender caucus in the GOP.  Watch for the rise of the Tea Party within the GOP.  Watch for the NEW/Conservative Republican Party. How do I know?  See below:

Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are heroes.  Like Rand Paul before them, these two brave Senators, took to the Senate floor and fought HARD to defeat Obamacare.  And, while the media is hailing Cruz a failure, the fact that they are still talking about Ted Cruz and the Tea Party, means that they were successful.  After all, why would the media and the Establishment of both parties, continue to hammer Cruz if he lost...if he was irrelevant?  To the contrary: Ted Cruz witnessed a meteoric rise to the top of the GOP food chain.   He now tops polls for Republican nominees for President in 2016 and ran away with the top vote at the Voters Values Summit.  A big deal for a man who is a "pariah."  What Liberals (both Republican and Democrat) fail to realize, is that Ted represents the will of the American people.  We understand that Obamacare is a bad deal.  We understand that we don't need the government to function and we have been pining for a hero...a man or woman who would stand up and FIGHT for and ARTICULATE our values.  Cruz did just that and he has turned the face of the GOP upside down.  Without Cruz and Lee fighting for our values, we never would have had a voice...the GOP would have caved several weeks ago without so much as a fight.  Cruz caused the base to light up the phones, to stand with them.  Cruz won; Conservatives won.  More importantly, however, the number of Tea Party members is growing.  Again, just look at how the Republican Establishment and the Liberal media continue to bash the Tea Party...even while they say that the Tea Party is a small fringe movement.  Remember, they wouldn't talk about the Tea Party or Cruz if both were irrelevant.

Third, we the people are rebelling against the politicians.  Think about what has happened recently. I already mentioned that thanks to the grassroots, Republicans held firm for awhile, allowing the American people to see that it was the Democrats and the President who refused to compromise.  But, think more crucially: when Obama blocked the World War 2 monument, the Veterans, led by Conservatives in the House like Steve King, TORE DOWN the barricades and carried them to the White House.  The President and his minions felt that they needed riot patrol to reign in these senior citizens.  Too, people in our state parks and at the Lincoln Memorial jumped the barricades, basically telling the government that they could, well, go jump in a creek.  And, what about Obamacare?  The signature "achievement" of Obama's Presidency is a disaster!  Not only are there glitches and problems with the ACA site, but only VERY few Americans, even in Liberal states, have signed up.  The question should be, WHY is this happening?  If Obama was "re-elected" because of Obamacare, surely more Americans would already be registered, but they are not.  There are THREE other important things to note about the people rebelling: in CO, for example, the people of the states are recalling anti-gun politicians at a fast pace.  The state that voted for Obama is revolting against the Democrat anti-gun policies.  Already, TWO Democrat Senators have lost, and a third is currently being targeted for defeat.  To make things worse, almost 15% of those wanting recall are Democrats!  Second, we are seeing the secessionist movements of certain states/counties heating up.  So much so, that some places have already passed ordinance to secede.  If they are successful, that would be a huge step to thwarting the Democrat political machine.  Finally, although we lost the race in NJ, just think about what happened: Steve Lonegan, a TEA PARTY Republican, only lost the state by 10%.  Mitt Romney, on the other hand, lost the state by 16%.  Conservatism is working.  We are winning.

Fourth, we get another try at the funding measures.  I don't expect much to change, but we will have other votes in January and February, to fund the government.  It will be a prime time to start the battle again, and fight we shall.  If Boehner is gone, I look for the GOP to hold firm and defund, if possible, Obamacare.  But, this is more of a wait and see scenario.  Remember, elections are coming up soon and...

Finally, elections have consequences!  The Left wing media and the Democrats are already crowing about winning the House back in 2014.  If this happened, it would be catastrophic, but it won't happen.  Remember, Pelosi also said they'd win the House in 2012, yet the Democrats remained in the minority, and Republicans swept into power with 27 governorship and won state legislatures in many other states (most notably, NC, WI, MI and MN).  This time, Charlie Cook and others say that they only expect 10 House seats to be in play...FAR from enough needed to give the Democrats a majority.  Furthermore, with Obamacare as their signature achievement, I think the Democrats will lose seats in the House.  I also expect the Democrats to lose the Senate in a big way.  It is still early, but I think we will see a Democrat minority in both houses and a lame duck President.  But, more importantly, by my count, we have at least SEVEN Republican seats that Conservatives are targeing for takeover.  Seats held by Sens. Alexander, Graham, McConnell, Cornyn, Enzi, Roberts, etc are all being targeted for Tea Party takeovers.  In GA, RINO Saxby Chambliss is retiring.  We might not win all the seats that we target, but we will win a few...and, with a stronger Conservative presence in the Senate, RINO's will be less successful in selling us out.

Bottom line, friends, keep the faith.  We are a GREAT nation and our country has been through a lot.  Remember, not too long ago, the Establishment and the media wrote off a "Cowboy" from California.  Well, in 1980, that "Cowboy" won our nomination and the Presidency in a landslide.  We are winning again, folks.  I promise.  But, we must never stop fighting until we have defeated the Left completely.

God bless you all!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Extreme Leftist Democrat Representative Debbie "Wiseass" Schultz (as El Rushbo calls her) said that "Republicans don't care about Dead Soldiers".

Now, I know that Liberals are used to thinking that Americans are dumb, after all, their base did help elect and re-elect a Marxist for President.  This time, however, I think the Congresswoman really thinks we are stupid.  It was the GOP after all, that offered 5 different proposals to the Democrat controlled Senate for a vote.  The Extremist Left, led by Harry Reid and Barack Obama, refused to support any of these resolutions.  Then, the Republican controlled House decided to pass individual funding bills...for Veterans and for children with Cancer (the NIH).  Once again, the Party of Death rejected these bills.

Of course, all of us remember seeing Debbie helping our WWII vets tear down the Barrycades at the WWII Memorial, right?  Any Democrat?  Alas, we did not.  We only say those anti-veteran Republicans like Rep. Steve King, rallying with the veterans and opposing the barrycades.  Of course, Debbie and her gang of thugs in DC decided that funding a mechanical bull, keeping open the Congressional gym and allowing illegals to rally on the "closed" Washington Memorial were more important that our Veterans.

I just want to remind the Congresswoman that while her base might be stupid enough to believe her lies, the rest of America sees through this deception.  I don't expect a lot from a Democratic Representative in Congress, but please, Debbie, give us more credit than to believe anything that comes out of your mouth.

Now, about the President reversing course on funding benefits for our Veterans....

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Democrats have no brains, Republicans have no spines

I titled this piece,  "Democrats have no brains, Republicans have no spines".  I think these phrases are both self-explanatory, but I will flush out the one about Republicans in more depth.  After all, it doesn't take much to figure out that ANYONE of sound mind who votes Democrat has no brains...especially if they vote Liberal Democrat.  But, that is a different post for a different day; let's us now turn to my second argument: that Republicans, by and large, have no spine.  Like everything, there are some exceptions of bravery (the Tea Partiers, Allen West, Conservative talk radio, Scott Walker, etc) but these are few and far between.  Let me explain:

I have sat by in disgust watching election after election where the establishment Republican leadership (yes, Karl Rove, this includes you) continue to push weak-kneed, gutless, RINO candidates down our throats, while belittling candidates who are more Conservative.  These are the people who believe that we should support Republicans BECAUSE they are Republicans...principles be damned.  Look at our choice of Bob Dole in 1996, McCain in 2008 and Romney now.  All moderates, and although we do not yet know the outcome of Romney's fate in November, the other aforementioned candidates lost badly.  This divide within the GOP can be seen when people like Newt Gingrich support Liberal Dede Scozzafava over the Conservative Doug Hoffman in NY-23.  Or the constant backstabbing and bickering within "Republican circles" about the rise of Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement".  There are many, MANY, more examples of this battle within the GOP, but it is no wonder that Republicans as such professionals at snatching defeat from the jaws of an easy victory.

More recently, we have Republicans who are too afraid to even touch ANYTHING negative about President Obama.  They fear ridicule and being called names like "racist".  This is the problem...too many Republicans, both voters and those in the leadership, are too afraid of standing up for their values.  They fear that doing such things will tarnish their image and that they, especially those in DC, will not be "loved" by the Liberal Left in this country.  Just look at how most Conservatives ran for the hills when the issue of the Obama birth certificate came to the forefront of political discourse.  Even now, when the issue of whether or not the President is a citizen is brought up, you will have Conservatives (from Beck and Hannity, to the establishment of the GOP to even grass roots Republicans) ridicule those of us who want more information as "birthers".  Now, with the Trayvon Martin dilemma, Republicans, especially white Republicans, say nothing and sit by while the Black Leadership is, in no uncertain terms, calling for a race war, and when the Black Panthers offer bounties for the families of those accused.  Then, we sit back horrified and disgusted when we see violence and debauchery in the streets.  Oh, don't get me wrong: these BRAVE Republicans, will quickly label any of us who even remotely touch these issues as being racist, while not saying a single word on the actual race issues that are happening in our society.  Their weakness, OUR weakness, is what leads us to defeat.  Yet, we wonder why we lose elections.

I applaud all Republicans in Congress for opposing Obamacare; this was one true moment of courage, and they stood strong.  But, unfortunately, we see more capitulating and caving by Republicans, and more crying by our Speaker of the House, then actually FIGHTING for the ideals that make the Republican Party s strong.  Democrats are the MASTERS of framing the debate and in gutter politics; they know how to fight, and, often, to WIN the fight.  Don't worry though Republicans...I am sure we will counter-punch these attacks, right?  WRONG!  We sit back and say "oh, our arguments will win the day.  or Oh, we must take the highroad".  To drive home the point, we bring knives to gun fights.  We refuse to fight and we fight to lose. 

Oh sure, we are "outraged" when our schools push some Marxist agenda down the throats of our children.  We are "outraged" when politicians raise our taxes and spend our money with reckless abandon.  We are "outraged" that the future of our children and grandchilden are being adversely affected by politicians in Washington.  We are "outraged" when our weak Republican leadership constantly caves to Democrats, even when we have the majority in Congress.  And yet, we do NOTHING!  Republicans are masters at sitting around discussing the ills of this country, but they fail miserably at actually getting out and FIGHTING for the beliefs of our Party.  We run Republican candidates in races all over the country, yet due to infighting, hurt feelings and general apathy, we either elect "unelectable" candidates or we sit home instead of being on the ground and fighting in the trenches to get these candidates elected.

I, for one, am sick and tired of watching as our nation fails because REPUBLICANS are too weak-kneed to actually fight for our values.  I have had it and I am personally calling all of you out...and you know who you are.  Again, many ordinary Americans vote their conscience at the polls and there are many good people who do fight in the trenches.  But, there are far too many of us who, for whatever reason, will allow Democrats to run roughshod over our Republic. 

So, note to Republicans:  ENOUGH ALREADY!  It is time to FIGHT...dirty if needed, but to fight nonetheless.  If you refuse to fight fire with fire, then don't bother complaining as our nation continues to deteriorate.  After all, YOU continue to be part of the problem.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Early prediction for Presidential election

Barring any unforeseen "October surprise" or something similar, I will give you my bold prediction for the 2012 election.  Now, don't get me wrong, A LOT can change between now and November, and Lord knows that Romney has no spine, AND that certain Conservatives want to vote Third Party (because they are brain dead) AND that many Americans are just plain dumb enough to buy the "Hope and Change" thing for another 4 years.  But, my friends, I offer some real "hope" (even if voting for Romney is not our most favorite thing to do as Conservatives).  Here is my prediction at this moment for the elections:

Romney will win by a BIGGER margin than expected.

I think the Democrats know this and so does Obama...why else, other than being Chicago political thugs and Democrats, would they start launching attacks on Romney when he hasn't even secured the Republican nomination yet?  You might be wondering WHY I think this will happen and let me give you my reasons:

1.  It's the economy stupid.  Our economy is in a shambles with Obama driving our country further and further into debt.  The American people are feeling the pain, and they will make Obama feel in it November.

2.  The electoral map is changing.  I know the Democrats think they have the advantage in this election, and in sense they do as their candidate is the incumbent.  But, they are losing SEVERAL key races for the House and the Senate, they got shellacked in 2010 and now, Obama is losing more ground with key constituencies.  Moreover, with the Democrats losing ground in WI in the Scott Walker race, Obama is suddenly VERY vulnerable.

3.  Polls, polls, polls.  I hate polls...they tell you what the pollsters want you to think, not necessarily what will happen.  Just look at all of the polls that use "Registered Voters" for sampling, while over-sample Democrat voters by 6-10%.  These polls that show Obama even at best are bad news for the President.  When polls of likely voters are used, the President is losing badly.  Heck, even in polls run by Liberals, Obama is losing key groups like women and independents and that doesn't bode well for his chances.  That being said, polls are only a snapshot in time and the only one that counts is in November.

4.  What was he thinking?  The recent choices of issues embraced by President Obama are puzzling.  Why, if you know your Convention is in North Carolina and that their state just voted against legalizing gay marriage, would you come out in favor of it?  Now, Obama is losing support of his most strident voting block: black Americans.  This along with this threat to do away with DOMA, his mishaps the last few weeks starting with a conversation with the Russians, where he essentially sold America out "once the election is over".  These are NOT smart moves for someone who is polling in the low 40's.

5.  Key interest groups are no longer that interested.  As mentioned earlier, Obama's embrace of gay marriage has caused rifts within the black community.  If they see Obama as weak, I am not certain they will show up in the numbers that they did in 2008.  Add into that more stringent laws like motor voter, etc, fewer Democrats (especially dead ones and illegal immigrants) will vote.  Hispanics will not vote for Obama like the did in 2008 (especially if a guy like Rubio is on the ticket) and he has lost his luster as a "rock star" among many students (as evidenced by the empty arena at Ohio State).  Add this to the fact that Obama is having some serious issues in the primaries and it signals a disaster in this upcoming election year.

6.  Romney up early.  Again, reverts to the polls, but if history is any indicator, any incumbent that polls in low 40's (Obama at 42%) will lose.  Clinton won with this percentage in 1992, but he wasn't the incumbent and he would have lost it Perot hadn't taken votes away from Bush.  The troubling part for Obama is that Romney, though the presumed Republican nominee, has yet to win the nomination and yet he is running either slightly behind or ahead of Obama.  When he has the nomination shored up and the debates/advertising start, the number supporting Romney will go higher.  The underdog usually gets those last minute undecided voters.

7.  The Clinton effect.  Isn't it interesting that Hillary recently said that the government shouldn't be too involved in the lives of our citizens?  Yes, I laughed out loud too...this coming from a radical Leftist politician.  What would possess her to say this in a speech?  The other issue is Obama's recent flack with his did the fact that he was "born in Kenya" all of the sudden become news?  Could it be that Democrats are really worried about their candidate?

8.  Mobilized voters.  This year, Republicans and Conservatives will be out in force at the polls...and, even those of us who don't like Romney, will walk over broken glass to vote the President out of office.  Too, with the Unions losing the recall battle in Blue Wisconsin and just the general state of the nation, Democrats will be less enthusiastic to vote in this election.  Of course, they could always use MASSIVE voter fraud like the do in each cycle (like having 107% of the people vote in Philly, or having several hundred thousand illegal voters in Florida), but even this won't be enough to overcome Obama's shortcomings.

9.  The electoral map.  This is where it gets fun.  Obama MUST hold ALL of the states that he won that were won by Bush in 2004 in order to even have a chance in this election.  Right now, he is losing Indiana and North Carolina...this is a bad start for the President.  Now, if Walker wins against the recall, the unions will have been defeated again and will have spent much money trying to oust the governor.  Knowing that the Democrats have pulled funds and headed out of Wisconsin, I suspect that there won't be a lot of money or votes to spread around.  Now, in my opinion, Obama will lose Florida, IN, NC, NH, Ohio and VA.  He is having a hard time getting big leads in traditionally blue states like WI, MI, MN, NJ, NV, NM, OR, WA...if he is forced to spend money in blue states, he won't have enough resources to run in purple states.  So, here is my final analysis (and it is subject to change) about the blue states that will go for Romney.  I think that it will be close in PA (again, he will have to spend money here, along with NJ, and WA) and MI and WA and CO.  I think he loses Wisconsin and either MI or MN, NV and NM.  Romney will sweep the South including Florida.  Again, this can all change and I reserve the right to update it later, but I see a scenario where Romney pulls about 350 Electoral Votes.

10.  The Reagan effect.  We have seen this story play out 1980.  The circumstances were similar then as they are now, except that things are worse now.  The economy was the focus of the election just as it is this time.  Carter also have trouble in the Middle East, and my guess is that Obama will have a tough time deciding about Iran or deciding what to do about the situation in Egypt.  Also, MANY Democrats, as referenced in the polls (Reagan Democrats) will either sit out this election or vote for Romney.  The polls were similar to the ones now and the incumbent was polling very low right up until the last week of the election.  I see the same thing happening this time around.

Bottom line, although Republicans settled once again for a RINO, this is our year to send Obama back to Chicago.  And, barring something unexpected, I expect it to happen.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pat Summit

In the coming weeks, there are going to be many, many, people who write about Pat Head Summit, the legendary head basketball coach for the University of Tennessee Lady Vols. I would assume that most of these postings would paint a picture of Coach Summit in a very positive light, and rightly so. She is an incredible woman and she deserves utmost respect as a coach and as a person.

But, let me tell you about my experience with the coach with a ferocious stare (I loved those stares knew she was not happy), and why I have a profoundly deep admiration for one of the few people outside of my family, who I would consider one of my heroes.

Having grandparents who lived in East TN and watching them root for the Vols, it was easy to love Pat Summit; after all, she was the leader of our team. Vol nation, myself included, proudly donned orange and watched as our women often out-shown our men on a national stage. And, standing on the sidelines was the winningest coach in basketball history...EVER. She was a huge success and a basketball icon. So, being a fan of the Lady Vols, and having watched them just win one of their many National Championships, I sat down, as a young boy, to write the coach a letter.

I didn't know what to expect or what to say to someone like Coach Summit. After all, how many famous people actually return a letter from a random fan. Well, I diligently wrote my letter to Coach Summit and told her that I loved the Lady Vols and Congratulations for her success. I also asked if she would write me back and send an autograph. I didn't hold my breath as knew Pat was a very busy woman. A few weeks later, I got a letter in the mail in an envelope with the Lady Vols logo on it. I got excited; I knew it had to be from Coach Summit.

I opened the letter, read some of it (I have forgotten what it said) but remember, to this day, that Coach Summit signed that card in her own hand...and, more impressively, in ORANGE ink! I was blown away by her kindness and response. And that is small part of the reason that I admire Pat Summit.

So, the long and the short of it is this...I truly admire Pat Summit. Suffice it to say, I will miss seeing her on the sidelines for future Lady Vols games. And, one last personal message to Coach Summit:

Thank you for the memories, Coach. You are an amazing person and an equally amazing Coach. Thank you for all you have done for the University of Tennessee, and a heartfelt thank you, for the letter you sent back to me many years ago.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why I will NEVER vote for Ron Paul

Many Ron Paul supporters ask why I don't like Ron Paul. It isn't that I don't like Congressman Paul; to the contrary, I loathe the man. I know, I know...his cult like supporters will scream "neocon, liberty, militarism, Constitution" and end again by calling me a Neo-con for writing this article. But in the words of Herman Cain's father, "I does not care".

There are MANY, MANY reasons NOT to support Ron Paul and I don't have enough time to write them all here. Besides, it would do me no good as his followers will circle the wagons, talk in circles, change topic and call names...all while attempting to prove Ron Pauls positions by using Youtube links. Never mind the fact that they completely ignore the facts about Ron Paul.

But again, this is a different blog for a different day. I will give you my MAIN reason for NOT supporting Ron Paul. Here goes:

Quite simply, I believe that America is an EXCEPTIONAL nation...that Americans are EXCEPTIONAL people. A Ron Paul supporter told me that this is an extremely elitist belief to hold, and, that America and Americans are no better than anyone else. Therein lies the KEY difference between myself and Ron Paul and his supporters. America IS, without question, EXCEPTIONAL in every way. I will NEVER apologize for this belief. Funny, for a man who clings to the "I was one of the first Reagan supporters", you would think that Ron Paul would hold this belief about America as a "Shining city upon a hill". Yet, he does not.

In Congressman Paul's warped logic, the US is the root cause of the problems in the world. American policies, in his opinion, aren't designed to spread freedom, but rather, are aimed at militarism, occupation and conquest. For all of the Republicans who despise Romney, Gingrich et al, at least they have all admitted that America is exceptional. That core belief is the one that I hold most sacred. We already have a President who apologizes for America; we don't need some Libertarian Congressman from Texas to do the same thing.

So, I ask this to all Ron Paul supporters (and please don't give me the canned, typical talking points that you always do. Please be honest for once): when was the last time that Ron Paul said something GOOD about the United States? When was the last time that Ron Paul said he believes America is an exceptional nation? Don't try to hard, Paulies, you won't easily find the answer.

So in short, I believe that America still is that "Shining City"; and amazing nation where people can achieve their dreams (and, consequently, where a "Republican" Congressman from Texas can be a major player in politics). Ron Paul does not share this core value. Any candidate who isn't proud of America has no business being the Republican nominee; this is, after all, why we have Democrats. Dr. Paul, America is the greatest nation in the history of mankind. We have freed millions of people with our "militarism". We have defeated some of the most powerful empires ever created. We are a generous nation filled with people who give of their money and lives to benefit those who do not have our way of life. We are the ONLY nation in the world where people DIE trying to get in...just for a taste of the American Dream.

This, Mr. Paul, is MY America. This is why I will NEVER vote for you.